Defense without Barriers

Radma stands as a unified and active cyber defense nation, forming an impenetrable barrier from the ocean to the Gulf.

Why Radma?

Expert Cybersecurity Team

This team of highly skilled and certified credit cybersecurity professionals with extensive experience defending against diverse cyber threats and attacks ensures the utmost protection of valuable digital assets and sensitive information.

Customized Defense Strategies

Tailoring cybersecurity defenses to suit the specific needs and risk profile of each client, ensuring comprehensive protection and peace of mind in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Scale Fast and Effortlessly

Our cyber defense solutions effortlessly adapt to your organization’s growth, providing optimal protection against evolving threats. Scale with confidence and maintain top-notch performance across all levels of your business infrastructure.

Trusted Advisory with Expert Insights

Gain access to expert advisory for navigating the threat landscape with high confidence, implementing robust and orchestration defenses, and fortifying your organization against cyber threats effectively, while staying ahead in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Partnership with leading cyber technologies

Integrating advanced tools for proactive defense against emerging threats and maintaining a competitive edge in the relentless pursuit of staying one step ahead in the cybersecurity realm.

Comprehensive Threat Intelligence

Our cyber defense company excels at understanding threat actors, optimizing defenses against their tactics. With our unified platform, we prevent breaches, fraud, and cyber threats, safeguarding your critical assets with unparalleled efficiency.

What Makes Radma Unique

A cyber defense company founded by passionate security experts in The United Arab Emirates. Offers active defense services, response & actionable intelligence to support in improving your cyber defense posture.
Radma stands out for its seamless integration of advanced technology and sustainable practices. By combining detection and response capabilities, Threat Intelligence, and orchestration. Radma sets a new standard for a sustainable defense future.

Clear competitive edge and advantages

Specialized in malware threat defense and relieves organizations in their challenges to combat the evolving cyber security threat landscape. With professionals specialized in malware Detection & response and Actionable intelligence, to deliver solutions and mitigate cyber security threats effectively.

Let’s Build the Future barrier of Defense Together

Join us in shaping the future of cybersecurity defense as we collaborate to create a decentralized and inclusive one defense barrier from the ocean to the gulf.

Active Cyber Defense is our Barrier with Great Features

Strengthening Your Services for Cybersecurity

Arab nations expert-led comprehensive cybersecurity defense services for businesses

Proactively safeguard critical data and assets with managed security services, offering continuous threat monitoring and rapid incident response. By comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, including intrusion detection, SIEM, 24/7 incident response, and vulnerability management, to bolster defenses and ensure regulatory compliance Learn More.

Strategic offensive cybersecurity services designed to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, strengthening an organization's security defenses through attacks

Offensive cybersecurity services employ controlled and ethical hacking techniques to simulate real-world cyber threats and vulnerabilities. By proactively identifying and addressing weaknesses and enhancing the overall security posture Learn More.

Comprehensive defensive cybersecurity services designed to proactively assist, evaluate, and protect against cyber threats and potential compromise

Through proactive measures, our comprehensive defensive cybersecurity services actively safeguard businesses’ critical data by assisting against a wide range of cyber threats and potential compromises Learn More.

Strategic partnership for businesses to fortify defenses, develop security strategies, and achieve robust cybersecurity resilience.

Gain a strategic edge with our Tactical and Security Advisory services, providing expert guidance on Cloud Security, Cyber Security Architecture, Framework, and Strategy. We conduct SOC/Defense Center Gap assessments and offer Virtual CISO support to optimize Learn More.

Our Partners

We are grateful for the chance to collaborate with prominent establishments.
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